Immunomodulatory activity of purified polysaccharides from Rubus chingii Hu fruits in lymphocytes and its molecular mechanisms

  • Su X, Zhao M, Fu X, Ma X, Xu W, Hu S. (2021) Immunomodulatory activity of purified polysaccharides from Rubus chingii Hu fruits in lymphocytes and its molecular mechanisms. Journal of Functional Foods 87, 104785. [abstract]
Immunomodulatory activity of purified polysaccharides from Rubus chingii Hu fruits in lymphocytes and its molecular mechanisms2021-11-05T19:29:26+00:00

Red raspberry extract (Rubus idaeus L shrub) intake ameliorates hyperlipidemia in HFD-induced mice through PPAR signaling pathway

  • Tu L, Sun H, Tang M, Zhao J, Zhang Z, Sun X, He S. (2019) Red raspberry extract (Rubus idaeus L shrub) intake ameliorates hyperlipidemia in HFD-induced mice through PPAR signaling pathway. Food and Chemical Toxicology 133, 110796. [abstract]
Red raspberry extract (Rubus idaeus L shrub) intake ameliorates hyperlipidemia in HFD-induced mice through PPAR signaling pathway2005-12-05T00:00:00+00:00
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