Microarray and genetic analysis reveals that csa-miR159b plays a critical role in abscisic acid-mediated heat tolerance in grafted cucumber plants

  • Li H, Wang Y, Wang Z, Guo X, Wang F, Xia X, Zhou J, Shi K, Yu J, Zhou Y. (2016) Microarray and genetic analysis reveals that csa-miR159b plays a critical role in abscisic acid-mediated heat tolerance in grafted cucumber plants. Plant, Cell & Environment 39(8):1790-804. [abstract]
Microarray and genetic analysis reveals that csa-miR159b plays a critical role in abscisic acid-mediated heat tolerance in grafted cucumber plants2005-03-07T00:00:00+00:00

Genome-Wide Identification and Comparative Analysis of Conserved and Novel MicroRNAs in Grafted Watermelon by High-Throughput Sequencing

  • Liu N, Yang J, Guo S, Xu Y, Zhang M. (2013) Genome-Wide Identification and Comparative Analysis of Conserved and Novel MicroRNAs in Grafted Watermelon by High-Throughput Sequencing. PloS one 8(2), e57359. [abstract]
Genome-Wide Identification and Comparative Analysis of Conserved and Novel MicroRNAs in Grafted Watermelon by High-Throughput Sequencing2005-01-03T00:00:00+00:00

A Combined Approach of High-Throughput Sequencing and Degradome Analysis Reveals Tissue Specific Expression of MicroRNAs and Their Targets in Cucumber

  • Mao W, Li Z, Xia X, Li Y, Yu J. (2012) A Combined Approach of High-Throughput Sequencing and Degradome Analysis Reveals Tissue Specific Expression of MicroRNAs and Their Targets in Cucumber. PloS one 7(3), [abstract]
A Combined Approach of High-Throughput Sequencing and Degradome Analysis Reveals Tissue Specific Expression of MicroRNAs and Their Targets in Cucumber2004-12-31T00:00:00+00:00

The conserved FRNK box in HC-Pro, a plant viral suppressor of gene silencing, is required for small RNA binding and mediates symptom development

  • Gaba V, Gal-On A, Haronsky E, Leibman D, Wassenegger M, Whitham SA, Shiboleth YM. (2007) “The conserved FRNK box in HC-Pro, a plant viral suppressor of gene silencing, is required for small RNA binding and mediates symptom development”. J Virol 81(23), 13135-48. [abstract]
The conserved FRNK box in HC-Pro, a plant viral suppressor of gene silencing, is required for small RNA binding and mediates symptom development2004-12-31T00:00:00+00:00
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