Introduction of broadleaf species into monospecific Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations changed the soil Acidobacteria subgroups composition and nitrogen-cycling gene abundances

  • Zhang Y, Ding K, Yrjälä K, Liu H, Tong Z, Zhang J. (2021) Introduction of broadleaf species into monospecific Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations changed the soil Acidobacteria subgroups composition and nitrogen-cycling gene abundances. Plant Soil [Epub ahead of print], [abstract]
Introduction of broadleaf species into monospecific Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations changed the soil Acidobacteria subgroups composition and nitrogen-cycling gene abundances2021-10-15T17:49:04+00:00

Transcriptome analyses provide insights into the expression pattern and sequence similarity of several taxol biosynthesis-related genes in three Taxus species

  • Zhou T. (2019) Transcriptome analyses provide insights into the expression pattern and sequence similarity of several taxol biosynthesis-related genes in three Taxus species. BMC Plant Biology 19(1), 33. [abstract]
Transcriptome analyses provide insights into the expression pattern and sequence similarity of several taxol biosynthesis-related genes in three Taxus species2005-08-25T00:00:00+00:00

Transcriptomic profiling and identification of candidate genes in two Phoebe bournei ecotypes with contrasting cold stress responses

  • Zhang J, Zhu Y, Pan Y, Huang H, Li C, Li G, Tong Z. (2018) Transcriptomic profiling and identification of candidate genes in two Phoebe bournei ecotypes with contrasting cold stress responses. Trees 1(1), 1-19. [abstract]
Transcriptomic profiling and identification of candidate genes in two Phoebe bournei ecotypes with contrasting cold stress responses2005-03-23T00:00:00+00:00
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