Examining the sequence variants of a targeted number of relevant genes and relevant metabolic pathway genes focuses the power of next-gen sequencing (NGS) and makes routine testing and data analysis feasible. Multiplexing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a proven, simple method to extract target regions of interest.
LC Sciences has developed the underlying technologies for an amplicon-based targeted sequencing system engineered to accomplish all the required steps for accurate NGS testing (target selection, library preparation and molecular tagging) in a simple one-step workflow. Made possible by the novel and patent pending Relay-PCR™ and Omega-Primer™ technologies, the VariantPro targeted sequencing system offers cost-effective, ultra-high resolution sequence analysis that enables accurate detection of rare variants. The flexibility and scalability of the technology means a custom assay can be tailored to fit a wide array of applications based on your specific needs.
Applications of Targeted Sequencing
Discover germline or somatic mutations (e.g., cancer and disease associated regions)
Detect and quantify rare transcripts and transcript variants, such as single nucleotide mutations (SNP)
Detect low frequency alleles
Follow-up studies from whole genome approaches to validate mutations
Resequence large custom genomic regions
Our Comprehensive Service
LC Sciences offers a customized solution to high-throughput genome wide variant analysis. Our in-house developed VariantPro method incorporates novel Relay-PCR and Omega Primer technologies to produce amplicons of high uniformity & specificity. State of the art Illumina sequencing technology is the most successful and widely adopted next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology worldwide.
This service is comprehensive – from sample to data, providing advanced technology and years of experience.
Our “Sample to Data” comprehensive service includes: primer designs, sample QC, sample preparation (target selection, sample bar-coding, molecular tagging, library amplification), high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatics analysis, and customer data report including:
- Annotated SNP/indel list for targeted regions (dbsnp, snp type, refseq genes, etc.)
SNPs/indels in VCF format
Results delivered using VarSifter
Comprehensive Service Available | √ |
Variant Analysis Platform | VariantPro Targeted Sequencing Technology |
Starting Sample Material | Your genomic DNA sample |
Sample Requirement | As low as 10ng |
Species Covered | Any species for which reference genome exists |
On-target Specificity | > 97% |
Coverage Uniformity | > 97% |
Full Data Analysis Included | √ |
Data Delivery Time | 4-6 Weeks |
Also available – custom and standard panel capture kits
Data Analysis
Target enrichment report, including capture specificity and completeness
Alignment to reference sequence
Quality metrics, including mapping statistics, hybridization and selection metrics, mapping stats, and basecall quality distributions
Annotated SNP/indel list for targeted regions (dbsnp, snp type, refseq genes, etc.)
SNPs/indels in VCF format
Results delivered using VarSifter