To date, lacking of a clinically-suitable source of engraftable human stem/progenitor cells with adequate neurogenic potential has been the major setback in developing effective cell-based therapies against a wide range of neurological disorders. Derivation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) provides a powerful tool to investigate the molecular controls in human embryonic neurogenesis as well as an unlimited source to generate the diversity of human neuronal cell types in the developing CNS for repair. However, realizing the developmental and therapeutic potential of hESCs has been hindered by conventional multi-lineage differentiation of pluripotent cells, which is uncontrollable, inefficient, highly variable, difficult to reproduce and scale-up.

Researchers from the San Diego Regenerative Medicine Institute recently identified retinoic acid (RA) as sufficient to induce the specification of neuroectoderm direct from the pluripotent state of hESCs under defined platform and trigger progression to human neuronal progenitors (hESC-I hNuPs) and neurons (hESC-I hNus) in the developing CNS with high efficiency, which enables hESC neuronal lineage-specific differentiation and opens the door to investigate human embryonic neurogenesis using the hESC model system. In this study, genome-scale profiling of microRNA (miRNA) differential expression patterns in hESC neuronal lineage-specific progression was used to identify molecular signatures of human embryonic neurogenesis. These in vitro neuroectoderm-derived human neuronal cells have acquired a neuron al identity by down-regulating pluripotence-associated miRNAs and inducing the expression of miRNAs linked to regulating human CNS development to high levels in a stage-specific manner, including silencing of the prominent pluripotence-associated hsa-miR-302 family and drastic expression increases of the Hox hsa-miR-10 and let-7 miRNAs. Following transplantation, hESC-I hNuPs engrafted and yielded well-integrated neurons at a high prevalence within neurogenic regions of the brain. In 3D culture, these hESC-I hNuPs proceeded to express subtype neuronal markers, such as dopaminergic and motor neurons, demonstrating their therapeutic potential for CNS repair. This study provides critical insight into molecular neurogenesis in human embryonic development as well as offers an adequate human neurogenic cell source in high purity and large quantity for scale-up CNS regeneration.


Comparing miRNA differential expression patterns in pluripotent hESCs, hESC-I hNuPs, and hESC-I hNus

LC Sciences


(A) Hierarchal clustering of differentially expressed miRNAs in pluripotent hESCs and hESC-I hNuPs. (B) Hierarchal clustering of differentially expressed miRNAs in pluripotent hESCs and hESC-I hNus. (C) Hierarchal clustering of differentially expressed miRNAs in hESC-I hNuPs and hESC-I hNus. Statistically significant p values and clustering analysis were provided by LC Sciences as part of miRNA microarray service. Microarray data from two biological replicate sets were shown. The numbers for the color bar are Z values, showing the extents of down-regulation (green, −1.5) or up-regulation (red, 1.5) of the expression.


Related Service

miRNA Microarray Service – LC Sciences provides a microRNA (miRNA) expression profiling service using microarrays based on our in-house developed µParaflo® technology platform. We have standard arrays for all mature miRNAs of all species available in the latest version of the miRBase database (Release 21, July 2014). Our service is comprehensive and includes sample labeling, array hybridization, image data processing and in-depth data analysis. Two-three weeks after receiving your total RNA samples, we’ll send you both the raw and fully analyzed data. [Learn more…]


Parsons XH, Parsons JF, Moore DA. (2012) Genome-Scale Mapping of MicroRNA Signatures in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Neurogenesis. Molecular Medicine & Therapeutics 1(2),105 [article]