Community diversity and succession in fermented grains during the stacking fermentation of Chinese moutai-flavored liquor making

  • Zhao L, Mo X, Zhang C, Yang L, Wang X. (2021) Community diversity and succession in fermented grains during the stacking fermentation of Chinese moutai-flavored liquor making. Food Sci. Technol [Epub ahead of print], [abstract]
Community diversity and succession in fermented grains during the stacking fermentation of Chinese moutai-flavored liquor making2021-10-08T17:24:51+00:00

Integrated transcriptome, small RNA, and degradome analysis reveals the complex network regulating starch biosynthesis in maize

  • Zhang X, Xie S, Han J, Zhou Y, Liu C, Zhou Z, Wang F, Cheng Z, Zhang J, Hu Y. (2019) Integrated transcriptome, small RNA, and degradome analysis reveals the complex network regulating starch biosynthesis in maize. BMC Genomics 20(1), 574. [abstract]
Integrated transcriptome, small RNA, and degradome analysis reveals the complex network regulating starch biosynthesis in maize2021-10-08T14:36:19+00:00
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