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Degradome Sequencing Service

LC Sciences provides a fast, one-stop Degradome RNA sequencing solution
from your sample through data analysis.

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Technical Information

Degradome sequencing has been use to identify microRNA (miRNA) cleavage sites, because miRNAs can cause endonucleolytic cleavage of mRNA by extensive and often perfect complementarity to mRNAs. Degradome sequencing has revealed many known and novel plant miRNA (siRNA) targets.

  • In plants, microRNAs tend to cause cleavage of their targets at the position between nucleotides 10 and 11 of the microRNA

  • Next-Gen sequencing of the 5’ ends of RNA degradation products allows identification of over-represented 5’  ends (microRNA cleavage sites)

  • Matching cleavage sites to known microRNA sequences links microRNAs to their targets

Degradome Sequencing

  • The latest in next-gen sequencing technology

  • Experienced staff to assist you with experimental design

  • Fast turnaround times

  • Full bioinformatics analysis

  • Expert technical support to assist with data interpretation

  • Overview of sequencing reads

  • Statistics of miRNA targets

  • Statistics of mRNA targeted by miRNA

  • T-plots and density of degradome

  • GO and KEGG functional analysis

  • Clusters of orthologous groups (COG) enrichment analysis

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Sample Data

Sample Requirements

Sample Requirements

Total RNA amount ≥ 5 μg
260/280 >1.8, 260/230 >1.0
RIN value ≥ 7.0

Library Preparation


Poly(A) Tail RNA Selection
18~40 bp Insert cDNA Library

Sequencing Depth

Sequencing Depth

50 bp Single End
7-10 Million Reads


Data Quality

Data quality is measured by the percentage of bases with a sequencing quality score above Q30

These comprehensive services are designed to be one-stop and produce the results needed to quickly advance your biological and biomedical research. For all types of RNA sequencing, our “Total RNA to Data” services include: sample prep/QC, library preparation, RNA sequencing, bioinformatics analysis, and high-level customer support.

LC Sciences has been providing RNA discovery, profiling and related bioinformatics services since 2005 and our experts have examined thousands of varied RNA datasets, giving us unique insight into RNA research. We don’t merely deliver data; we will handle all the advanced bioinformatics analysis and help you find answers to the questions you’re asking.

Technical Information