Kinase Profiling Service
LC Sciences provides a comprehensive kinase analysis service utilizing high density protein kinase substrate (PKS) peptide microarrays based on PepArray™ technology for proteomic scale kinase profiling, quantitative measurement of kinase kinetic activities, and drug discovery research.
Kinases are key components of cell signaling pathways by transfer of the terminal phosphate molecule from ATP to the serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues of a protein. Through the use of peptides as specific kinase substrates on a custom synthesized addressable peptide microarray (PepArray™), we can make quantitative measurements of kinase activities.
Profiling kinases on a peptide microarray offers the opportunity to study thousands (up to thousands of peptides/chip) of specific substrates in a single experiment.
LC Sciences provides a comprehensive kinase analysis service utilizing high density protein kinase substrate (PKS) peptide microarrays based on PepArray™ technology for proteomic scale kinase profiling, quantitative measurement of kinase kinetic activities, and drug discovery research. A proprietary microarray platform and advanced microfluidic technologies ensure high quality array synthesis and quantitative measurements of enzymatic reactions.
Protein Kinase Substrate Profiling – Large scale mapping of kinase substrate specificity, detecting and discovering novel kinases, and validating computationally predicted or other types of kinase substrate peptide candidates.
Quantitative Protein Kinase Kinetics Studies – performing quantitative measurement of protein kinase kinetic activities (PKA studies).
Drug Development – Screening inhibition of kinase enzymatic activities by competition assays, identifying substrate peptides as biomarkers, and studying signaling pathways using multiplex reactions
We have a comprehensive set of bioinformatics tools and extensive experience in microarray work. We will work with you from peptide selection, array design, experiment, to data analysis, and we offer additional services for in-depth kinetic data analysis and curve analysis of quantitative measurements.
Quantitative Results
All assays use universal, highly phosphate-specific fluorescent dye staining. Well-designed negative and positive control references ensure reliable and quantifiable results. In situ synthesized PKS – peptide microarrays using our PepArray™ technology deliver more uniform spots and produce a more reliable reading of the assay signals. Multiple replicates of each peptide sequence also contributes to data confidence.

Traditional kinase assays focus on a single to a few peptide or protein substrates. Profiling kinases on a peptide microarray offers the opportunity to study thousands (up to thousands of peptides/chip) of specific substrates in a single experiment. One experiment using our protein kinase substrate (PKS) – peptide microarray is equivalent to 41 experiments using a 96-well plate.
Customize one of our standard microarrays or design your own PKS- Peptide Microarray. We can synthesize a completely custom microarray specifically for your experiment. Our basic format is 4K customer defined peptide sequences per chip but additional length and sequence density arrays are possible. Ask us for assistance with design of your PKS- Peptide Microarray.
Customize one of our standard microarrays or design your own PKS- Peptide Microarray. We can synthesize a completely custom microarray specifically for your experiment. Our basic format is 4K customer defined peptide sequences per chip but additional length and sequence density arrays are possible. Ask us for assistance with design of your PKS- Peptide Microarray.
Comprehensive Service
LC Sciences provides a comprehensive kinase analysis service utilizing high density protein kinase substrate (PKS) peptide microarrays based on PepArray™ technology for proteomic scale kinase profiling, quantitative measurement of kinase kinetic activities, and drug discovery research. Our Kinase Profiling comprehensive service includes:
Synthesis of a standard content or custom designed protein kinase substrate (PKS) – peptide microarray on a PepArray™ microfluidics chip
Pre-staining the chip to assess synthesis quality and obtain baseline signal before the kinase sample is applied
Quality testing of the received kinase sample
On-chip enzymatic reactions
Specific staining of the phosphate group only on the phosphopeptides by fluorescent dye
Array image scan and data extraction
Data analysis – Basic data analysis (background subtraction, control and reference signal guided data processing, list of detected signals, data averaging, results summarized in a report) is included with our array service. Optional in-depth analysis based on your specific application is available.