
A large number of studies have identified miRNAs that are important for brain development and neuronal differentiation.
miRNAs have been proven to influence brain maturation and plasticity, mechanisms that are known to be perturbed in psychiatric diseases.

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Disease Pathology

miRNA plays an integral role in many neurological pathologies

miRNAs are implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease. They regulate important targets that can influence the function of neurons and thus can be potential therapeutic targets for the neurodegenerative diseases.

miRNAs modulate important repressors of the inflammatory response of the brain indicating the potential for anti-miRNAs as an effective therapeutic strategy against pathogenic inflammatory signaling.

Researchers have shown that the fetal transcriptome, through miRNA regulation, responds to prenatal stress in association with epigenetic signatures thus demonstrating a mechanistic association between environmental and genetic risk factors in psychiatric and neurological disease.

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